Monthly Archive: June 2005


The “Thin Baby”

Greg fixed Adrianna’s hair the other day to be parted in the middle. He didn’t use a hairbrush though – he used his bristly chin hair. hehe. We think her hair, when parted like...


Banjo Recordings

Greg just recorded 2 more of his original banjo tunes and has placed them online for your listening pleasure. He also just purchased another bluegrass CD, so you know what we will be listening...



I felt something crawling up my leg this morning as I let the dogs out. When I looked down, I realized it was only a ladybug. *sigh of relief* Why is it that the...


Site back up

Our site is back up. Thank goodness. We don’t really know what happened other than that we were having weird issues with our web host. I was pretty ticked off by the fact that...


10 Year High-School Reunion

This past weekend I attended my 10 Year High-School Reunion. Man, just saying that makes me feel old. I am really glad I went, even though I was really nervous and anxious about it....


Reflector Post

Near the Wyoming/Colorado state border yesterday, I saw a little stuffed monkey hanging on a reflector post along I-25. You know the kind of monkey – the ones with the wrap-around arms. So cute...


Big Baby

I took Adrianna in for her “well-baby” checkup today. The doctor said she is doing great in every regard. Adrianna measured out to be 24 inches long and I think she was 11 lbs...



I think we finally have a bedtime schedule worked out for Adrianna – hooray! And it even involves her sleeping in her cradle for a part of the night at least. We put her...


Estes Park

While we were visiting my parents this past weekend, I downloaded quite a few pictures that my dad has taken over the past couple years that I had not yet seen. Some of the...


Cruel Summer

This afternoon I was listening to Cruel Summer. As I listened, I was bouncing Adrianna in my arms to the rhythm and singing along to the chorus (the only words of the song that...


Karen’s Wedding

Karen got married on Saturday. I cannot believe it. My little sister is married. It was a nice wedding. If I had to use one word to describe the entire event, it would be...


Spelling Quiz

I have always thought myself to be a pretty good speller, at least when it comes to every-day words. I even got third place in a spelling bee when I was in grade school....


Dogs and Baby

Chloe and Molly are so well-behaved (for the most part) around Adrianna. I think their biggest concern is that they are still “part of the pack.” This strong concern of theirs manifests itself by...


Light of my life

Last night we tried to get Adrianna to sleep in her crib again. We finally succeeded, after a lot of persistence and patience on our part. (And thanks to her paci!) She slept in...


Memorial Day Weekend

We went to visit Greg’s family for Memorial Day. It was Adrianna’s first road trip. 500 miles is a long trip with a newborn. She did really well. To save time so we wouldn’t...