Monthly Archive: August 2006


Nigh Nigh and Nana

Adrianna and I have a new game that we play at bedtime. As I turn out the lights and leave her room, I say, “Night Night” and she repeats back, “Nigh Nigh.” I will...


Where’s Adrianna?

I am still amazed at how quickly Adrianna learns words. We would ask her “Where’s Grammy” or “Where’s Grampy” and she could point them out really quickly. At dinner last night, we asked her,...


Grammy and Grampy Visit

Adrianna’s Grammy and Grampy (Greg’s parents) came from Kansas to visit us for a few days. We had a fun time with them. Adrianna warmed up to them right away and got in a...


Singing and Andy Samberg

Last night I had a dream that I was in chorale at Grace University again. Dr. Z was having different members of the choir perform solos or other specials for a concert. Then, he...


Where’d that spider go?!

I was just sitting here reading some posts on one my favorite blogs. My right hand was in its normal driving/navigation position on the mouse while my left elbow rested on my desktop and...


Let Your “Es” Mean Yes

I have heard so many stories of toddlers who fall in love with saying “No!” Thankfully we haven’t hit that stage yet with Adrianna. In fact, everything is “Yes” (or “es”) with Adrianna. The...


29 and NOT Counting

So I turn 29 today. My dad asked me how it felt to be only one year from 30. I am not sure yet, but I figure I will have several years to find...


A Novel Idea

So I was tagged by Jill over at Christian Work at Home Moms for this fun little game. Here’s the game: A Novel Idea If you could write a novel about any subject, what...


Day 3 at the Zoo

As I was getting ready to upload pictures of my new niece and nephew, I realized I still needed to upload pictures from our third trip to the zoo. I love having this zoo...


The Babies have arrived!!

Adrianna and I drove to Wyoming to be with Cindy at the hospital. We ended up spending about 6 hours there. Spending 6 hours at a hospital with an active toddler who won’t nap...