First Night Away From My Baby
Last night was my first night away from home without Adrianna. I sure missed my baby girl.
I went up to Wyoming to help my sister out with Layla and Aidan. I am not sure how much help I really was overall though. I have the equipment, but not a working supply so I really couldn’t help with their feedings. I did help feed Layla a supplemental formula feeding sometime in the middle of the night though. I also enjoyed holding the babies and spending time with Cindy and Kendall. I made lunch (enchiladas) and dinner (chili) too.
This afternoon, Karen came over and she and I got some scrapbooking in as well.
It was a fun overnight trip, but I really missed Greg and Adrianna. I was actually glad that the dogs announced my arrival back home tonight, as it woke Adrianna up so I had a good excuse to go into her room and hold her. She was excited to see me and did a little tap dance in her crib. (Her new way of dancing is to do a lot of footsteps – so cute.)
So here is the verdict regarding my case of baby fever. It comes and it goes. It comes whenever I see little Layla and Aidan, so sweet and asleep in their crib. It really hits me when I hold them. But the baby fever quickly retreats when I see Cindy nursing them and I am reminded of my own experience of feeling like a “milk machine” on call at all hours of the day and the oh-so-sleepless nights.
I am so proud of Cindy and Kendall. They are doing a great job at this new parenting thing.
Yes, Cindy is such a good mommy, and Kendall is a real good daddy. I haven’t really caught baby fever from helping though, it’s been nice helpin and holding the little sweeties, but i am almost terrified of the prospect of trying to fit a baby into this apartment of ours! I definetly want one some day…
well im glad that it seems im doing a good job…they are pretty exausting for lil lives that weigh less than 11 pounds combined!! 😀