Obama Rally – Scrapbook Page
Credits: Template 5 by No Reimer Reason *This layout does not endorse any presidential candidate. I am still very much undecided. But it was still an interesting, fun rally.
Digital Papers and Scrapbook Templates - An Easy Way to Create Beautiful Scrapbook Page Layouts
Credits: Template 5 by No Reimer Reason *This layout does not endorse any presidential candidate. I am still very much undecided. But it was still an interesting, fun rally.
Some more great layouts to show you: This one is from Rita F. using Quick Page 1. Her little girl is adorable as she “helps” with the laundry. I think the colors in her...
My sister-in-law, Jess, took this picture of Greg and his brother Jeff on a hike in Eldorado Canyon a couple of months ago. I don’t often put just one picture on a page, but...
I tried hard to do something that was different than my normal squares and symmetrical style, and I am pleased with how it turned out. I guess it pays to think outside the box....
I have finally finished my second digital scrapbooking kit freebie. I hope you like it. Here is a layout I made using the kit. I will most likely be posting a template of this...
Okay, so I am using one of my own templates yet again. But hey, I have a lot of pictures to catch up on and this one worked perfectly with the number of pictures...
This was taken on a recent grocery trip that my daughter and I made. She insisted on wearing her boots and her brand new purse. Those alone were cute enough, but when she started...
I have another free template ready for you. This is the layout that was used to create the template. It is another one with room for lots of photos (my favorite kind). Credits: Butterfly...
Here are some more layouts using my templates. Using Template 2 2 Layouts by Erika. I love how she flipped the template to make two mirroring pages! Additional Credits for both layouts: Carolina...
More layouts using my designs, and they are WONDERFUL. One even includes a dachshie – gotta love that. Using Template 4 Layout by Margo L. Other Credits: Kit used is Moka Time by...
I decided to make a “quick page” out of one of my scrapbook pages. Actually, I made it into three different QPs; each one with a different amount of empty spaces that can be...
Got another free template for you. Enjoy! Click on the template preview below to download. Thank you for the wonderful comments left on my previous freebies. They really make my day.
Credits: Template by Tracy Drane; Background Papers from Angelica E‘s September Glow Kit
Desirena Designs made a QP out of my latest template (Template 6). It is quite pretty, don’t you think? Click on the Preview picture below to download it for free on Desirena’s blog. If...
I have another free template for you. This one is another one of my favorites so far. I LOVE multi-picture templates. In fact, I may reuse this one myself since I have over 200+...
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