
Adrianna has been making friends at her homeschool co-op. I love picking her up from her school day there and listening to all her stories of her friends and their fun times and imaginative play at recess. Their latest play at recess they played a version of “house” where most of pretended to be kids, but with super-hero powers. She even demonstrated her super-hero call for me. I am told the boys also like to chase her around at recess.

One name that comes up often when she talks about her friends is Ethan. Apparently they play together often. She has been asking me to arrange a play-date with him. The last time I picked her up, I was also informed that Ethan had told Adrianna that she was pretty.

Oh boy, it starts already.

3 thoughts on “Pretty

  1. Oh, oh, time to get out the big stick! 🙂 Just kidding. But oh my, they do grow up so fast.

  2. We were told from a parent that their son was caught putting on the dad’s calogne. When questioned why he said, “So Ashley will like me!” I can’t believe this starts already in Kindergarten. We have a long road to tow yet!

  3. LOL. Yes, it is hard to believe it is starting already. I guess I remember holding hands with a boy in Kindergarten though. And chasing a specific boy around the playground in 1st grade. I am just not ready for it to start yet, although at this age it is pretty cute too.

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