Princess Snowflake and Candyland

Janette gave all the girls in childcare tiaras and wands, much to Adrianna’s delight. She has been proudly wearing hers around the house, and I was instructed to call her “Princess Snowflake”.

This evening, we played Candyland as a family. As we sat there playing, whenever Adrianna would be in the lead she would happily chant in a sing-song voice, “I’m winning. I’m beating you.”

A little while after this video was taken, she received a pink card that sent her substantially backward. The transformation was funny to watch. Her little face sobered up and she was quiet for a little while. It was so sad and endearing at the same time that I had a difficult time keeping the smile off of my face.

She recovered well though, and then she began chanting to Greg, “You’re going to win.” It was a nice turnabout and I was glad to see she could take losing and also cheer on someone else as they started to do well.

Eventually, she lucked out and received another pink card which propelled her back to the lead and the chanting for herself returned. She did win the game.

5 thoughts on “Princess Snowflake and Candyland

  1. I wonder where she gets this “im winning” attitude…lets think back to Dr. Mario…….Who always was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited EVERYTIME they won which was ALL the time so it wasn’t like she never won and was was excited that once again she whomped her poor little sisters, even when she was a few levels ahead…who was that??? 🙂

    haha on another note, Layla does this too, she will always say ” i won mommy, i won!” even though we aren’t even playing a game that i know of but were just eating or walking.

  2. oh and after the kids made me watch Adrianna and Greg play “again! again” about 4 times, i finally convinced them that was enough when Layla piped in “Mommy…i want to go to Adrianna’s house! Please?”

  3. Haha. Just because I am AWESOME at Dr. Mario…

    I want you to come to Adrianna’s house too!! Please? 🙂

  4. Too cute! That Janette knows how to give little girls what they like. And I’m looking forward to playing Candyland sometime too.

  5. That is one of my favorite games as a child. Nice to hear that she is such a good sport!

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