Walmart Bathroom

So we had our first successful potty experience away from home. We were at WalMart shopping for some items for a CARE package I am putting together for Brian. (He is deployed in Kuwait right now.) Adrianna notified me that she had to go potty. Of course we were on the opposite side of the store from the bathrooms so, knowing my time would be limited, I placed Adrianna into the cart and away we flew.

We made it to the bathroom in time and I was glad to see that the handicapped stall was available. Score! But in wrestling with the toilet cover and helping Adrianna take her diaper and jeans off, we did run across one hitch. When I placed Adrianna onto the toilet, I didn’t have a chance to get her jeans down far enough before she started to go, so her jeans ended up getting some pee on them. Yuck. I didn’t make a big deal out of it though, choosing instead to be excited for Adrianna’s first pee in Walmart so that she wouldn’t be nervous about going again in the future. It worked; she didn’t even seem to notice that the back of her jeans were wet. We did decide to purchase our items and leave right away though rather than dawdling longer.

So hooray for Adrianna! And note to self: must bring her a spare outfit on future shopping excursions, just in case.

One thought on “Walmart Bathroom

  1. Good for Adrianna! And you did the right thing too by not making a deal about the wet jeans. Good deal!

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