Greg picked up his new glasses yesterday. I think it is going to take him (and me!) some getting used to. I think they look great on him though.
Greg picked up his new glasses yesterday. I think it is going to take him (and me!) some getting used to. I think they look great on him though.
So how annoyed was Greg that you kept taking pictures of him and his glasses? hehe 🙂
Whoa! I like ’em.
I think he is used to me snapping his picture, whether he likes it or not, so he resigned himself to it. I had already told him he would be my picture of the day, so he was fairly warned. 😉
You look like Jeff, Greggor. Distinguished student!
Mister Librarian! Gregian. I really need to watch that movie been quoting it to everybody for weeks now!
They look great!