Monthly Archive: August 2005


Indiana trip

Okay, the long wait regarding our vacation post from our trip August 11-16 is now over. I wanted to wait until I had gathered all our pictures from the trip before I got this...


Spider Scream

I was letting Chloe and Molly out into our backyard this evening after we got back from dinner at the Black-Eyed Pea. Just as I’d opened the door and was about to walk out...


Grins and Giggles

I think that Adrianna was singing back to me yesterday. Or at least attempting to. She is getting so “talkative” with her coos and other baby noises that she makes. I was singing to...


At the DMV

I spent about an hour at the DMV this afternoon renewing my driver’s license. It is nice that they expire on your birthday – it helps you remember the expiration date a little bit...


Daddy’s fun with the camera

I was downloading some pictures from our camera in preparation for an update to our photo gallery and blog posting about our recent trip to Indiana when I came across some pictures that I...


Onesies for Adrianna

While surfing through some other blogs, I found a link to some great onesies listed at I just have to get these for Adrianna.


Eden’s Backyard

While at Shad and Lynette’s this weekend, we decided to look at some Open Houses. Our main goal was just to get a look at what the area has to offer and what we...


Well, Adrianna’s first night in her crib went really well. She slept pretty good, and so did I. When I put her in her crib, she immediately stretched her little arms above her head...


Adrianna’s Crib

Tonight is Adrianna’s first night in her crib and in her own room. She was starting to outgrow her bassinet, so we went to get a mattress for the crib tonight. We tied the...


Ovarian Cyst

I went to the doctor today about some pain in my lower left side that I have been having this past week. It has been tender to the touch and at times it would...


I hate insurance

I really hate having to deal with insurance. It sucks. I thought Adrianna was covered by Greg’s health insurance plan through his workplace since several earlier claims had been paid AND she was listed...


Wake-up call

Greg and I were awakened last night at around 2 or 3 a.m. to the sound of baby coos and gurgles. Adrianna was wide awake in her bassinet, full of smiles, and talking to...


Afternoon in Estes Park

After an early morning church service on Sunday, Greg, Adrianna, myself, Shad, and Lynette all headed up to Estes Park. Shad wanted to return some rocks to a river there that he had picked...