Cate’s 2 Year Old Stats

Cate’s measurements from her Well Child Checkup at age 2:

  • Height: 34.75″ (79th percentile)
  • Weight: 26.4 pounds (45th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 19″

Cate is meeting all her milestones with ease. In fact, when I told her doctor, Amy, that Cate also can even recognize some numbers and letters, Amy drew a few of each on a paper. Cate was able to name many of the ones she wrote down. Amy was pretty pleased and said she’d have to write it in her chart, because it wasn’t “one of the normal milestone questions we even ask at this age.” I know that a lot of this comes from having two older sisters and educational toys handy to play with. Adrianna enjoys teaching Cate, so I have to give her some of the credit for Cate’s knowledge. 🙂

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