Daddy and the Bird Poop

Knowing Adrianna’s love of drawing pictures, we decided to buy her a whiteboard last night. Greg opened it for her today and she is already making some great art with it.

The people in this picture started out as Jesus, Adrianna and me “when I was little”. The one with the duck on His head is Jesus.

Greg asked her where he [Greg] was in the picture. So then the man with the duck on his head became Daddy.
Greg asked, “I thought that was Jesus?”
She responded, “No, that is you. I was just pretending that it was Jesus.”
Greg came back with, “What if the duck poops on my head?”
Adrianna replied, “It’s just a picture, and pictures don’t poop.”

I just love the blue duck in the nest in the tree, along with its five legs. Her pictures always make me smile. 🙂

Another thing that really makes me smile is how often Greg, myself, and Bree are included in her artwork.

Bree is starting to give us little smiles. They are very quick, but each one is met with much exclamation and excitement on our part. Greg captured a sweet little moment between Bree and Adrianna this morning.

3 thoughts on “Daddy and the Bird Poop

  1. “pictures don’t poop”. Smart little girl! That will probably make me laugh all day long! I love the photo of the girls too. How precious!

  2. I have noticed that her drawings are getting more and more identifiable…her people actually have bodies now! What a sweet little girl! That picture of her and Bree is so cute!

  3. I love this picture of Adrianna and Bree. So sweet…just enjoying each other! And a real smile from Bree!

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