Lack of Posts and Flickr

I have had a hard time blogging lately, whether it be to a lack of time or motivation or both. Or maybe it is because I often have a baby on my lap (since she prefers to sleep there to anywhere else), making it difficult to type.

But for those of you who are anxious for more pictures of our little Breezy, I recently updated our Flickr account with lots of photos from January. I generally try to upload the previous month’s worth of photos around the beginning of the next month. Or more often if I am ambitious, although that hasn’t been the case recently. The link to our Flickr albums is

One bonus to posting pics there is that they are available at a high resolution size should anyone want to download and print, whereas anything posted to the blog is resized to a low resolution for fast loading which makes them so they aren’t great quality for printing out.

To download a high resolution photo on Flickr:

  1. Click on the photo you want
  2. You will be brought to that photo’s page. Click on the magnifying glass above the photo for “All Sizes”
  3. You will be brought to a larger sized photo. I think the default is “Large”. However, there is one even better resolution than that, called “Original”. If you want to download and/or print, I highly recommend clicking on “Original”.
  4. Click on “Download the Original Size” and save to your computer

I will try to get some more regular blog posts going soon…

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