Big Thoughts

Adrianna was chattering away at me with many thoughts coming from all over the place when she asked me, “Mommy, what if there was no light or no earf [earth] or no God?” I told her if that were true, then I guess we wouldn’t be here, to which she responded, “Then God would have to make us, right?” After I agreed, she then happily continued speaking her streams of thoughts, which included something about dinosaurs and other random things.

I just love the topics she comes up with.

2 thoughts on “Big Thoughts

  1. It amazes me daily what children think of and how deep it is! Layla the other day pointed to a poster of Obama and told Kendall “That’s Obama daddy!” Then she followed it with a quiet “He is going to help me.”

  2. Adrianna is definetly a thinker…kinda like her daddy! I didn’t think that that trait could be passed along…interesting…:)

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