Monthly Archive: October 2006


Adrianna Discovers the Moon

Tonight we went to Guitar Center to pick up something for Greg and then to the mall for me. As were were leaving the mall at about 7:30, it was already mostly dark. The...


Here, Let Me Wipe Your Face

Adrianna and I spent another delightful afternoon at the zoo. Adrianna’s favorite animals today were the birds (buh) and elephants (Tsa-sa). While we were in the Lorikeet Adventure so we could see the birds...


Bzzzzzy Bee

Adrianna loves to be tickled. She is especially ticklish on her neck. We have a couple games that we play to make it more fun. The first game is Itsy Bitsy Spider, where I...


Pushing and Pulling

I posted last week about how Adrianna will not let me lie down and insists on “helping” me sit back up whenever I attempt to. Lately, she seems to enjoy helping me sit back...


The Key (Kitty) Says, “Aah-hhh”

One show that Adrianna will somewhat pay attention to is America’s Funniest Home Videos. She especially likes the babies (baba), dogs (dah!), and kitties (key). Everytime she sees one of those three, she will...


Working Full-Time

Well, it is official. I am now working full-time again as of October 2nd. This means that I am no longer a contract worker but have been “officially” rehired as a company employee again....


No Rainbow Poo for Adrianna

What is it with kids’ fascination with eating crayons? One of our favorite stories of our growing up years was the one that involved my younger brother, Brian, eating crayons and ending up with...