Monthly Archive: November 2005



I have been slowly reading my way through the Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide, which is comprised of 6 stories by Douglas Adams. Before I had Adrianna, I could consume a book in a day or...



Adrianna is adding some new repetitive sounds to her growing “vocabulary.” While her favorite used to be ma-ma-ma she is now throwing in some more consonants and she mixes it up a little bit....


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Last night we rented Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The remake with Johnny Depp. Midway through, right before the children were to enter the factory, we realized that it was just plain wrong...


Party at Mike’s

Last night Greg and I attended a housewarming/poker party at Mike’s. It was quite fun. We had Adrianna along, so I didn’t play poker but watched her instead while Greg played. She was once...


Crawling is creeping up

Adrianna is getting closer to crawling. Last night, for the first time, she had both her bottom and her chest up in the air at the same time. Once she accomplished this, we have...


Adrianna’s First Tooth

Well, it is official. Adrianna is cutting her first tooth. She has been really fussy the past couple of days, which is so out of the norm for her. My mom suggested I feel...


Harry Potter Theory

My husband and I are avid Harry Potter fans. We own all the books and DVDs so far and are counting down the days until the next movie is in theatres (which is November...


Girl Cheese and Boy Cheese

My mom used to make us grilled cheese sandwiches when we were growing up. My brother, Brian, thought she was calling them “girl” cheese sandwiches, so he said he wanted a “boy” cheese sandwich...



I have quite a few blogs that I like to read, and the information can be quite overwhelming and hard to keep track of without an RSS feeder or website that tracks and identifies...


Student Loan Payoff

I am sending off a check to payoff one of my student loans today. It is the smaller of the two loans, but what a great feeling this is! Now I can double up...


Controlling Men

“The only thing worse than a man you can’t control is a man you can.” I found this quote today by Margo Kaufman and I liked it. It reminded me of how thankful I...