
Adrianna is adding some new repetitive sounds to her growing “vocabulary.” While her favorite used to be ma-ma-ma she is now throwing in some more consonants and she mixes it up a little bit. It sounds more like babbling but yet closer to real language since it isn’t the same sound over and over.

She does like to make short but loud “eh” sounds over and over when she is happy or investigating something.

Adrianna Grace

She can hold her body up on her hands and knees a bit longer. I have noticed that she does it more though when she is on her belly and frustrated/crying about something. hehe.

What a little piggie she is! Thankfully she has pretty much liked all the baby foods we have been feeding her. Even squash, which I am too afraid to taste myself. The only food she wasn’t crazy about has been grean beens. Greg and I are both glad that she isn’t as picky an eater as her mommy is. I hope we can encourage that. We are at two solid meals a day, but I am hoping to up it to 3 soon. Greg has been really helpful with feeding her the dinner meal, and for that I am really grateful.

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2 Responses

  1. momma says:

    My babyanna is so darling 🙂

  2. Shads Dad says:

    The “eh” sound is typical of her Canadian heritage. After all, I would know!
    Just remember Canada is spelled… C, eh, N, eh, D, eh!

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