Bass & Burgers

Today I took Adrianna to Bass Pro Shop so we could watch the fish. She was fascinated by the goldfish at Walmart a few days ago, watching them for about 15 minutes (which in two-year old time is a LONG time), so I thought she would get a kick out of the large fish at Bass Pro Shop. Plus, it would be a fun (and FREE) way to spend our afternoon together.

She did like the fish. She also liked the elevator, the water, the boats, the four-wheelers, and a red pickup truck that she insisted was a fire truck.


After Bass Pro Shop, we went to Burger King for lunch. Adrianna was very concerned that Daddy wasn’t with us for our meal and kept telling me that we needed to wait for him.

All in all, it was a nice and inexpensive way to spend the afternoon together. Friday she and I have another “cheap date” planned – story time at the library.

One thought on “Bass & Burgers

  1. Yea i notice i have started to get creative in activities for the kids since there is little here to do in the winter…walmart is a frequent trip, they love the fish too. I wish more places had the 50cent rides for them too….Our rec center is only 2-4$ a person here to swim or play so i think that is going to be an option soon….very soon.

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