Hurrah, hurrah.
My parents were kind enough to watch our dogs while we were in Chicago this past weekend. I miss them quite a bit, especially after Adrianna eats dinner. We didn’t realize just how messy a toddler can be until we had to clean up the floor afterwards ourselves. Usually the dogs take care of that for us.
While we were gone, there were a few leftover dog food kibbles in the dogs’ food dish. This food dish must have a beacon on it that attracts young children, because Adrianna cannot resist playing with their food and water. Today while I was busy making dinner, she exclaimed, “Ants!” She knows an ant when she sees one, so I walked over to the dog’s dish to check it out and sure enough, there were ants in it. Lots of itty bitty black ants. I immediately washed the bowl’s contents, ants and all, down the sink and sprayed the line of ants on the floor.
I have been feeling phantom creepy crawlies all over my body ever since. *shudder*
She saw one of those furry spiders today and said, “ant!”