Breezy is 7

Today, we celebrated the 7th birthday of our second born, Bree Nova. Our rainbow baby and bright star.

Bree is in 1st grade this year and enjoys books, numbers, puzzles, and drawing. Her favorite class at her homeschool co-op is Art; at home, it is probably Math. She loves the concept of the googolplex. Bree is also a great appreciator of beauty in nature and loves when we visit the mountains or go hiking. She is still VERY into My Little Pony and now owns quite an impressive collection of the tiny ponies. She has started taking piano lessons and loves to sing, even if she doesn’t know the words. She and her younger sister, Cate, are the best of friends (most of the time) and homeschooling allows them a lot of play time together, which is one thing I appreciate. I love to hear them giggle together, even if it is because someone said “bottom” or some other silly thing that they think is absolutely hilarious.

I am so proud of our Breezy girl. I know she has to work harder than most to navigate our very noisy and busy world and she has come so far already in her 7 years. I am excited to see what God has in store for her life and am thankful for Bree’s presence in mine.

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