Breezy is 6

Today is Bree Nova’s 6th birthday. She is so excited to be six and has been counting down the days to her birthday for over a month. She still loves My Little Pony, seahorses, and horses and has recently has added cats and Legos to her list. She doesn’t like dogs, especially big ones. (In fact, she is frightened of them because they are loud and they touch you with their wet noses.)

Bree is in Kindergarten and we are homeschooling her this year. It has been a great decision for her and she is thriving with the 1-to-1 instruction. (Well, sometimes 1-to-2 since Cate enjoys “doing school” with her.) Bree enjoys books and being read to. She is fascinated by numbers and likes to draw computer/user interfaces. These often are incorporated with pictures of ponies or cats. She loves music and can pick up a tune quickly. She enjoys singing, though she still often chooses to sing songs with “nay nay nays” if she doesn’t know the words. She still rides horses every week; her usual horse is Fabio. He has a fabulous mane.

Breezy girl makes our life fun and interesting and we are so proud to be her parents.

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