The Many Nicknames of Baby

Adrianna has had many nicknames already in her 10 months of life. Here are a few that I can think of:

  • Tree Frog (this one is from when she was a newborn and would cuddle on your chest with her legs curled up so she looked like a little tree frog)
  • Little Birdie or Little Owl (she was like a little bird and looked like a baby owl when she used to nurse, and she was always hungry for more!)
  • The Fuzzy (from back when she had fuzzy hair)
  • Babyanna
  • Adrianna Banana (Banana is pronounced ba-naw-naw so that it rhymes with Adrianna)
  • Miss Banana (this evolved from Adrianna Banana)
  • Baby-Bot (Not sure where this came from, other than it came from the mind of her daddy. No further explanation needed.
  • Fusser-Bot (The babyanna when she is fussy. Evolved from Baby-Bot.)
  • The Baby
  • Boo-boos (Do I need to explain, other than the fact that she’s got lots of them?)
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet Cheeks (both sets of her cheeks are cute!)
  • Hawna (what the little boy in childcare calls her)
  • Baby Girl (what her childcare lady, Nette, calls her)
  • Precious (I think the word “precious” was invented with Adrianna in mind)

I am sure that I am forgetting a few. It is funny how names change and evolve over time.

One thought on “The Many Nicknames of Baby

  1. Same thing happens at our house! It’s funny to see how someone’s “name” evolves over time.

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