I wanted to take a nap this afternoon. After nursing Bree to sleep, I gently, gently, gently laid her in the bassinet next to our bed with the hope that she would remain asleep so I could also take a nap. Then I laid back down and closed my eyes, preparing for some much needed sleep.
Unfortunately, as it so often happens, she woke back up within minutes of being laid down and began to fuss. I groaned and sat back up. As soon as I peaked into her bassinet, her face broke into a huge grin. Who can resist such a response? I picked her up and laid her back in bed with me. She smiled again as I laid her down next to me, closed her eyes, and fell asleep almost instantly.
And there she still sleeps. I, however, finally gave up on getting a nap for myself and am instead out in the loft with one energetic and noisy preschooler. I think I will be heading downstairs for some caffeine now.
Those *huge grins* make it all worth it, don’t they?
I saw some sweet grins on Sunday, Love it!