Hives :(

Well, it appears that I have hives from something or other. I am pretty sure it is pregnancy related after talking with a couple other girls who mentioned something about pregnancy jacking up cortisone levels or something. They started developing on my hands on Saturday and have gotten progressively worse to where my hands, arms, and feet are now covered with them along with patches elsewhere on my body as well. I look like I have little welts all over. Gross, huh? Only my face, stomach, and back seem to be hive-free. But my stomach isn’t free from itching – I have my stretchmarks to take over for that area! All this itching is almost unbearable! I have all-day classes in south Denver both today and tomorrow, so I cannot go to the doctor until Thursday. I finally called her today though since seems to be spreading rather than healing, and thankfully she said I can take some Benadryl which Greg is going to pick up for me tonight. I sure hope that brings some sweet relief so I can sleep tonight without waking up to myself scratching and scratching like last night.

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