Milking the System

There is a couple who is suing a hospital here for a baby-mixup. Mind you, they got the right baby when they went home. But while the lady was still in the hospital, she was given the wrong baby to breastfeed. I do agree that this would be quite upsetting, and I can see why they would make a big deal over that, as I think that would be pretty scary and unsettling. However, this couple is ALSO suing for “loss of earnings” and “loss of consortium” five months later. Maybe I am being callous, but this is where I think they are “milking” (pun intended) the mistake for all it is worth. I know that I don’t want to go back to work after the baby comes, but would still like to get paid anyways. And having a new baby would definitely be hard for a new mom and make her tired, perhaps even too tired for, let’s just say…”other” activities. 😉

4 thoughts on “Milking the System

  1. How does that affect their consortiumizing? I fail to see how a baby switch would affect them getting saucy.?

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