First Non-Stress Test

Today I went in for my first non-stress test. I didn’t know what to expect, but all went well. They had me lay down while they hooked me up to two monitors; one to monitor any uterine contractions and the other the monitor the baby’s heartbeat. I was also given a handheld device with a button that I was to push every time I felt the baby move. So for 15 minutes I lay there listening to our baby’s heart beat and waiting for her every movement. That was pretty cool. Every time she moved, I could audibly hear (and see on the monitor) her heart rate increase and then slowly decrease back to normal. When my doctor came in and looked at the printout from the monitor, she seemed pleased and said that the baby’s heart is beating perfectly and as expected after each movement. That was so reassuring and I am so glad that she is doing well and seems to be healthy.

3 thoughts on “First Non-Stress Test

  1. i think missy has her nosed “pushed in.” hehe i wonder what cute things little janny will say?

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