Juli and Heather threw me a baby shower yesterday. I had been looking forward to it for weeks, and it was definitely worth the wait. Everyone who came was so generous to Greg and I, and it was so much fun too. Between my two showers, we have most of the basics covered now. Just some of the many items we received yesterday:
- Changing table with adorable handmade dressings, washcloths, book, hangers, and bibs (from Juli)
- Baby Bathtub and hooded towels (from Karen & Zach)
- Bucket ‘o Stuff – baby wash, shampoo, blankets, washcloths, socks, burp cloths (from Jen)
- Bath & Body Works (for me!) and gift card (from Lynette & Shad)
- Socks, adorable clothes, bib, and onesies (from Kristy)
- Breast Pump (from mom & dad)
- Handmade Fleece (soft!) Blanket (from Jessica)
- Cradle bedding, adorable outfits, and cute ornament (from Heather & Bill)
- Sleep adjustor and cute pink robe/slipper (from Juliet & Ken)
- Kick & Play Piano (from Cindy)
- Travel Stroller, Car Seat (w/ removable base) and Carrier Set (from my work!)
I am feeling so overwhelmed by everyone’s generousity. I am also so thankful to Heather and Juli who threw me such an amazing and thoughtful shower. They even made adorable labels for water bottles that were personalized. Another personal touch was the sign-in sheet. Everyone signed a pre-made page that will fit right into the baby’s scrapbook once I get that going! And everyone also filled out cards that contain well-wishes or advice which can also be kept for a scrapbook.
Lynette, Janis, Amber, Cindy, Kristy
Juliet, Juli, Jen, Heather, Karen
(Not Pictured: Jessica)
That shower was way fun & it was great being able to give you some things I know you’ll need when the little one arrives! With all the pink stuff you got, I sure hope it’s a girl afterall! I can’t wait to meet her!
I had soooo much fun at the baby shower! And it was fun afterwards hanging with you and Greg and Shad and Lynette. That was really good pizza! I am so glad I begged and pleaded for the day off 😉 Love you both!
Whoever took that photo is magnificent! I’m talking Ansel Adams.. or.. someone else really good at taking photos.
i look retarded in that picture, can’t see that i am pointing to your tummy, just looks like i have a weird arm thing going on LOL
I really enjoyed your baby shower. You have some really nice co-workers! It was fun seeing Kristy, Jen(the one who did my hair at your wedding) Shad and Lynette too!