Diaper Shower

The worship team at our church threw us a diaper shower on Tuesday evening. They were all so generous in providing us with diapers (multiple sizes) and wipies and other little necessities that we will need when the baby comes. There were two guys there – Greg and the worship leader, Mike. It was the first baby shower either of them had ever attended so that was interesting. hehe. I could tell that some of the labor and delivery talk among the ladies was less graphic than it could have been. 🙂

I am so thankful to be surrounded by such thoughtful and caring people. It just makes it even harder to leave this church. It is because of the people there, that we have grown to really care for, that has kept us there longer than we had originally intended. The drive is just getting to be a bit much (about 45-50 minutes in good traffic) now that I am pregnant, and of course after the baby comes it would be difficult as well. The distance has also made it hard for us to get involved there to the level that we would like to be involved in a church. I am just so appreciative to be part of such a great Christian community.

Church Shower
Pictured above is Mike, Jamie, Amber, Greg, Jill, Valinda, and Christy. (Not pictured – Miss Alice and Susan)

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