Cate and Letters

Cate is already starting to recognize a few letters and numbers, which amazes me. I swear she is learning by osmosis from the older girls. Today she was near the van and excitedly pointed at it, exclaiming, “H! H!” I looked at what she was pointing at, and sure enough, there was an H. Then she started saying, “O! O!” “Yes, that IS an O”, I reaffirmed her. Then she went to the next letter, “M! M!” By now, I was pretty surprised and then she finished up with, “P!” (We bought our van at Schomp Honda, so she was pointing out the “homp” on the license plate holder.

Cate can also recognize the number 0 and a couple others from our number magnets (Thanks, Grammy!). I think she is learning the letters from one of her favorite books on the ABCs and our letter magnets. I love when the girls learn from the educational toys that we try to keep available. And I am pretty sure Adrianna had a bit to do with it as well since she enjoys reading to the little girls and coaching them.

I am thinking that after the holidays I will have to plan out some fun letter activities with Bree and Cate.

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