Endocrinologist Appointment

I had another appointment with my endocrinologist today. Overall, most of my glucose levels are still looking good. Hooray! However, I have lost several pounds in the last 2 weeks so she is concerned that I am not eating enough carbs with this diet since I am supposed to be gaining weight each week at this point rather than losing. I do have to admit that I have cut back on some of the carb servings on some meals that my dietitian originally set out for me because my body wasn’t seeming to process them quick enough, giving me high glucose counts. So the endocrinologist said that I need to make sure I am eating extra snacks (eating every 2 hours) or extra protein/calories to make up for that.

I did lose weight at this point too when pregnant with Adrianna, so I told the doctor that everything I do consume just goes straight to my belly. Seriously, this belly is huge. And Adrianna, at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, was also not a small baby, so she was obviously getting enough to eat. My OBGYN hasn’t seemed concerned with the baby’s growth either, at least so far. I will be making another appointment with him next week and it will be up to him to make sure the baby is still growing okay even though I lost weight. With as active as this little girl is, I am thinking she is just fine. 🙂

Oh, but there is more good news too. Since I seem to be doing well with keeping my glucose levels down, I can cut down on my finger-pricking from 4 to 3 times a day. Which is great, since I am getting increasingly forgetful as time goes on and forgetting to do some of them anyways. 🙂

A fellow patient got a great chuckle out of something Adrianna was doing at the doctor’s today. She has often been pretending to have a baby in her tummy too, and she will stick her tummy out as far as she can and then walk around with her back arched and her stomach thrust forward. Is that how I look when I walk? LOL.

It is so weird to me how different 2 pregnancies can be from each other. When I was pregnant with Adrianna, the only pants I wore were the under-the-belly kind. I didn’t like to have anything on my belly ever. But with this one, I cannot get by without this special band to help support this huge belly, even when wearing maternity pants that already have a panel that goes over my belly too. And I know I was uncomfortable, as any woman in the third trimester is, when pregnant with Adrianna. But right now, some days I can hardly walk the joint pain is so bad in the pelvic and hip area. I am so thankful to only have two more days of work, because it is getting to the point where I almost have to physically hold my belly with my hands too as I walk just to help ease some of the discomfort. Maybe that is also just a part of me being almost 5 years older than I was last time too. I also am feeling more contractions this pregnancy, where I didn’t feel anything with Adrianna even though the doctor would point out to me sometimes that I was having one at my appointments. They aren’t painful yet, just weird and tight.

Okay, enough complaining. In spite of the discomfort, I do have to say that I overall love being pregnant. Only 8 more weeks to go.

Oh, and I have to say how thankful I am to Greg throughout all this. He makes me eggs (and sometimes bacon too) for breakfast several times a week. I love fried eggs and they are very low-carb and high protein so an awesome meal for me to start the day with. He also cuts up pears in the evenings for me. I have decided I really like fresh pears and by his cutting them up for me, they are easily accessible (a big plus for me since I hate cutting fruit myself) and they make a great, healthy after-dinner snack. He also has been cutting up and freezing fresh fruit and then making fruit smoothies for all of us. AND he found me some delicious low-carb ice cream bars at the store which, I think, taste as good as any other ice cream bar. Yum!

2 thoughts on “Endocrinologist Appointment

  1. Yay all good news i like these postings! 🙂 I hope the last 8weeks go smoothly for you, i cannot WAIT to see your belly in person in a few weeks!! Layla will be thrilled to pretend to be pregnant with Layla, it must be a little girl thing because she actually stuffs toys in her shirt. Save a photo of Adrianna for me when you get them cant wait to see her big girl school pictures!

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