Beware the Bees
Adrianna has a toy bee that she really likes. She also likes when I “fly” the bee around making a buzzing sound and buzz it up into her neck or tummy just so I can hear her giggle. So it surprised me that she is scared of real bees when she sees one fly by. And not just bees, but flies too. Anything that makes a buzzing sound as it flies by. She will point out, “Bee!” while running to me and clinging to my leg. Such a girly girl. Except for her attraction to digging in the dirt with her hands.
Adrianna is also fascinated by ants. She enjoys when I sing The Ants Go Marching and usually chimes in “Ants. Ants.” when I sing it to her. But now she has discovered the real thing, and she points out every one she sees crawling on the ground. Sometimes when we are inside, she will point to the door and say, “Ants” which means she wants to go outside and look for ants. I am okay with that, as long as the ants stay outside.
hehe Thats so cute she wants to go out and see the ants. Better not step on any!