Domine Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (Lord, My God, Assist Me Now)

This is a live version of Domine Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (Lord, My God, Assist Me Now) that our Grace University choir performed in 1998. This song is one of my favorite songs that I have ever sang in a choir, and it continues to get quite a bit of play in my iPod. You will probably need iTunes or RealPlayer to listen to it.

The soloists are Thomas Shafer (bass), Lori Jones (soprano), Tom Nechodomu (tenor), and Amber Yergler (me!) on alto.

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14 Responses

  1. Anja says:

    Sounds really great!

  2. ieatcrayonz says:

    That made my day. Truly beautiful.

  3. Brian says:

    My choir is working on this song right now, and it is one of my favorites of the ones we are working on. I just wanted to say that this is one of the most beautiful and moving renditions of this song I have heard. It always inspires me. Thank you so much!

  4. Lover of this song says:

    My A Cappella choir, too, is working on this song, and I absolutely love it!! It is one of my favorite all time choir songs!!

  5. Matthew says:

    We are working on this song for our program we will sing in Carnegie Hall in New York. It is a truly magnificent song and I cannot wait to actually be there singing that song on stage.

  6. stephanie says:


    Thank you for posting this song. I have been searching all night and all morning on the internet to find a recording (I sang this in choir as well). I am so elated to find it.

  7. Amber says:

    I am glad you liked it. I remember searching high and low too for it at one time. It is one of my favorite songs we ever did in choir.

  8. Advil says:

    I’ve been looking for a decent recording of this song for almost a year now!! thank you!!

    we just performed this song in my mixed choir and i miss it so much already. The fugue at the end is one of the most beautiful musical compositions I’ve ever heard!

    Thank you so much, this recording is amazing, the soloists are great!

  9. The Oklahoma Jr. High All-State choir (JH OCDA) will be performing this in January, and I seem to have found a really awesome recording!

    If I make the choir this year, I will have been a member for all three years, which is a big deal… So yeah, thank you for this awesome recording!

  10. Josh from NC says:

    that was great i sang it once and loved it

  11. alex says:

    I sang this about a year ago in the National Youth Choir at Carnegie Hall.
    I absolutely loved performing this song!
    Great Job.

  12. Miranda from WI says:

    I love this song!
    I used this recording to inspire the people in my choir when we sang this for our High School X-mas concert.
    You have an amazing voice! Thank you so much!

  13. Lila says:

    Absolutely goregous! My choir is singing this song for our final concert and I love this song and am so happy that I found such a wonderful inspiration!

  14. Harmony Bass says:

    Does anyone know the history of this song? have a school project due yesterday and was trying to get in turned in as late work, although by the time anyone sees this and responds it’ll probably already be too late…
    But tryng would be much appriciated…

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