Last night our doorbell rang sometime after midnight. At first, we weren’t sure if it was really the doorbell. Then it rang again and the dogs sprang into barking action so we knew our ears weren’t playing tricks on us. We went downstairs to see what was going on, but no one was there. But we saw a cop car parked in front of our house. So Greg was brave and went outside and saw three cop cars there. One was a K-9 unit, and a dog barked at him – the dog sounded as if he meant business. It made our dogs (still upstairs in their kennel) go nuts. The cops were at our neighbor’s house next door talking to somone on the porch and saw Greg and apologized for ringing our doorbell. They had the wrong house I guess. We’re not sure what was going on. Kinda scary though when I think about it later. What if there would have been a report of a guy with a weapon and the cops were on edge and mistook Greg for someone else? You never know.
GREG! You Stallion! Zoey and Molly could have SHREDDED that police dog! GRRR
i now realize that i said zoey instead of chloe. (my bad, chloe.. i’m deeply sorry)
Well.. It’s final.. BOTH pairs of parents have been told (and took it very well). Today is Lynette’s birthday, so we all got together and had a party at Lynette’s parents house. Most of her siblings had to leave to watch “Carnival” (a show which we refuse to watch on moral grounds) but Lynette’s older sister Laura and her husband Les stayed behind and so we were able to reveal our plans to all of them. So we have our parents approval, and things are going very well planning wise.. So here we go.. for the last time: The “LikelinessofshadandlynettemovingtocoloradoWITHTHEPROVISIONTHEYFINDWORKANDHOUSING” meter is at 100%. Ding ding ding ding. YAAAY *confetti falls from the ceilings, old ladies pass out and young children jump for joy
Your continued prayers are DEFINITELY appreciated (even if you don’t know us).