Domine Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (Lord, My God, Assist Me Now)

I really miss being part of a good choir. I am listening to this song (on my iPod of course!) that our choir recorded back in my Grace days. We sound so good! I loved the songs we did, especially the ones in Latin like this one. *sigh* I also miss my choir friends. We would just break out into song no matter where we were – I loved that.

On another note (no pun intended), the baby is far enough along that she can hear and respond to sound, rhythm and melody. I think about that often now when I talk or when I sing. I like to think that I am singing to her. I hope she likes it! 🙂

Edit 2/13/06
Here is a copy of a live version of Domine Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (Lord, My God, Assist Me Now) that my choir performed back in 1998. You will probably need iTunes or RealPlayer to listen to it.

The soloists are Thomas Shafer (bass), Lori Jones (soprano), Tom Nechodomu (tenor), and Amber Yergler (me!) on alto.

11 thoughts on “Domine Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (Lord, My God, Assist Me Now)

  1. With your voice? Of course she will! One of the best complements I have ever gotten was when Jamie (from camp) siad that I sounded like you when I sang! Love you!

  2. when i see you next i’m going to scare your baby by yelling at your belly!
    HAHA you’ve got a baby in your belly! “get in my belly” (fat *gentleman from Austin Powers)

  3. i will have to talk to your belly alot so i will be its favorite aunt. what show was it where they put headphones on the womens belly with mozart so it would be “eduacated” when it was born? haha

  4. Alright.. well i may be jinxing ourselves here.. but i guess we’ll pull this one out of the ol closet again.
    Today.. the likelinessofshadandlynettemovingtocolorado meter is at a firm 88.569832013%
    Now the impactofshadandlynettefindinggainfulemploymentincolorado meter has a large impact on the likelinessofshadandlynettemovingtocolorado meter.. but providing that the likelinessofshadandlynettefindingaplacetolive meter correspond with the willoftheLordforshadandlynettemovingtocolorado meter.. then the likelinessofshadandlynettemovingtocolorado meter should rise up into the 90’s. We’ve discussed it with the dachshunds and they seem to be alright with it. So that’s the update. Anybody who is effected by us moving to Colorado in a positive way (JANIS) should be praying for both the willoftheLordforshadandlynettemovingtocolorado, the likelinessofshadandlynettefindingaplacetolive & the impactofshadandlynettefindinggainfulemploymentincolorado meters to go up.

  5. crest has been shown to be an affective decay preventive dentifrice that can be of significant value when used as directed in a consiously applied program of oral hygene and regular professional care.

  6. sweetie… i can’t find my grace live! cd… *sniffle* can you possibly email me a copy of the ‘good songs’ on the
    cd so i can hear them??? i’d be SO thankful = )

  7. we are singing that song in chorus now preparing it for contest. it really is an awesome piece!

  8. Hi, i was just looking for this song online somewhere and had no luck finding a recording. I am singing it in my choir this weekend and i was wondering if you could email me a recording.. or a link to somehow get a recording?? thanks a lot

  9. Wow, you guys shound pretty good. My High School is currently preparing this for State Contest later this year. We just started looking at the music. Its nice to be able to find a place to hear it.

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