Help Carlene’s Family in a Disney/Family Fun Fundraiser
Hello faithful blog readers,
You may or may not know that adoption and special-needs adoption has been close to my heart ever since discovering Reece’s Rainbow a couple of years ago. Even though my family cannot adopt a little one right now (as much as I’d love to), there are so many ways that we can still help these little ones. A few ways are to give to an adopting family (adoption is expensive!), participate in fundraisers, spread the word and profiles of children waiting for families and pray for these children and adoptive families. Every little bit adds up!
That said, I would like to share a way you can help an adoptive family with just a few minutes of your time.
Steve and Katrina have committed to adopting sweet little Carlene from Eastern Europe. Katrina is a fellow digital scrapbooker, which is how we “met” online.
Carlene has already been moved to an institution so they are trying hard to get to her as soon as possible. Did you know that precious children as young as 4 or 5 are sent to adult mental institutions if they have special-needs? It is a place no child should ever have to go. It breaks my heart to even think of it. Carlene just turned 6; the age of my oldest daughter. Please can you help?
Here is a note from Katrina:
Dear Friends and Family,
I have entered our family in a photo contest to try and win a $500 Visa card to help with our adoption expenses while in Russia. We are almost to the end of the contest which ends March 22nd at 11:59 p.m. PST. But this is a very tight race and every vote counts. As of right now we are in 7th place but could fall out of the top 10 very easily. (The top 10 photos with the most votes win the prize so we don’t have to be in first place to win)
We are asking everyone we know to please vote and share our link with your friends.
Also, if by chance you know of a business that would be willing to donate $500 as a matching grant to our tax deductible account if we are able to get 500 votes the last 2 days that would be fantastic. Sometimes that motivates people to vote even more. (Besides helping with our adoption now being $1,000 ahead instead of just $500 from the Visa card)
Thanks for any help you can give us in this contest. Every little bit helps us get closer to our little girl.
That’s it! All you need to do is create a login to the Disney/Family Fun website (you may already have on – I did!) and vote for their family. Literally five minutes or less of your time.
If you’d like to donate to Carlene’s adoption fund, you can find her profile on Reece’s Rainbow. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for helping!
Thank you so much for the help. We won and will be receiving a $500 visa card to help with our adoption cost.