Free Patriotic Digital Scrapbook Kit – Americana

I know, I know, it has been too long since I have given away a freebie. But I have one for you today!! πŸ™‚

I have entered a design contest over a Stone Accents Studio. With September 11th coming up, the theme we were required to use was “Our Heroes”.

I wanted to make the kit so that it met the theme requirements but could also be used for other layouts or events as well. I like my kits to be versatile. The National Guard button that I did include was a shout out to my brother who serves in the National Guard because I am proud of him and the service he does both here in the States and overseas.

You can click on the kit preview below to download it.

United States of America Themed Scrapbook mini-kit Americana

Thank you for your comments, your encouragement, and your votes. A vote for No Reimer Reason today means another freebie tomorrow! hehe. Are you getting sick of the political ads on tv too? πŸ™‚

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30 Responses

  1. Kandy says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your American kit. My DH has served in the Ohio Army Guard for many years. I would like to do a retirement album for him, so I am glad to find all items of a military theme. This kit is very nice.

  2. chicapooh says:

    I love this kit! I’ve been looking for some stars and stripes papers to create a thank you card for my son’s birthday party, and of course you come to my rescue yet again! Thank you for creating and sharing this wonderful kit! Best of luck to you! I’m voting for you!

  3. D Min says:

    Thank you so much for this lovely kit. I do a lot of scrapping for my nephews who are in the military and this will be so nice for them. I voted – you got my vote.

  4. Summer says:

    Thank you SO much for including a NG button. My husband is NG and is currently deployed for the 1st time.

  5. Sabrina says:

    Oh Thank you!!!! My husband is currently serving in Iraq with his TN Army National Guard unit; just landed yesterday. I am so glad to find something with the National Guard emblem!! Thanks again!

  6. Danielle S says:

    thanks for the kit and yes i am sick of them too

  7. Nani says:

    “…and I approve of this message because my advisers say I do…” ahem, no, not sick of the political ads! Yanno, poli is Latin for many and tics are bloodsucking insects. Think that’s a coincidence? πŸ˜‰

    Sweet kit! I love the nostalgic coloring!

    Good luck in the contest!!!

  8. Thanks for your comments and your votes! You guys are so awesome and I appreciate your taking the time to comment and vote. You inspire me to create more freebies. πŸ™‚

    I am glad that so many of you can use this kit. I am proud of those who serve our country; those men and women are amazing in my book.

    LOL on the possible meaning behind “politics” Nani! There probably is a bit of truth to how that word was derived. πŸ˜‰

  9. Ruth says:

    beautiful kit. . . many thanks

  10. Amy says:

    This is really nice! I love the colors. Thanks for all your hard work!


  11. army wife says:

    as an army wife i thank you 4 this kit… im always looking 4 ways to make things 4 my husband as he is deployed in iraq at the moment… making him things always makes him smile so u pretty much just put a smile on his face and on every other soldier that i make something 4.. yet again i thank you

  12. Michele says:

    Thank you for sharing your time and talent!!

  13. Thanks for the sweet comments. This kit was one of the hardest for me to make, but it also has become one of my favorites. The men and women in our armed forces have my respect (as well as their loved ones that hold the fort while they are gone). They are amazing and give so much.

  14. kas says:

    THANKS we make cards for CARDS FOR HEROES and this will be Wonderful!!!

  15. Fran says:

    Thank you for the wonderful templates. They will help me to catch up and make different and beautiful layouts for my grandchildren.

  16. Amber says:

    If you are looking for some additional digital scrapbook resources for the military, check out this great article by Kimberly White.

  17. Mimicat says:

    Thank you for share your talent. This is a great kit!
    Recibe a hug from México.

  18. pabonick says:

    Thank you very much ^^

  19. June says:

    Thanks you sooooooo much for your freebies…I love them…

  20. marv says:

    thank you so much. I am new to digital scrapbooking and am amazed at all the talent out there. Yours especially. Thank you for your generosity.

  21. Amy says:

    Thank you for sharing this kit. My husband is in the US Navy and I am looking forward to using this kit to scrapbook the pictures of his homecoming.

  22. Fain says:

    Thank you for sharing the kit. I am getting materials for my wife to scrapbook my military stuff. Thanks.

  23. Linda says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your National Guard kit. It’s so good to see someone showing appreciation for them, they don’t get a lot of recognition, but they are very deserving.

  24. Lianne says:

    Thank you so much! It is so hard to find someone who has a love for the military and wants nothing in return.

  25. Tracey says:

    Found your blog today. Thank you very much for your generous freebies!! Also appreciate some of the templates having PNG files as well. Thank you again.

  26. carol says:

    thank you sooooooooooo much, no reimer reason. may God bless you abundantly for your generosity.

  27. Koreena says:

    I just wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ for this kit. I downloaded it with every intention of doing something for the Fourth of July and ended up using it for a Bon Voyage card ( The colors and textures are wonderful and very classic and elegant. Thank you again.

    PS, I don’t sell any of my stuff, it’s just for my use and I linked back to you πŸ˜€

    • Hi Koreena,

      Your card is fabulous! I love the way the stripes look as a background and with the red ric-rac. Well done! I am so glad you shared the link to your card with me – it makes me happy to see things I’ve given away used in such a neat way! πŸ™‚

  28. Patti Brown says:

    Thanks so much for the freebies! Love your work! πŸ™‚

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