Monthly Archive: July 2008


New Deck

I have been meaning to post pictures of our new deck. We are thrilled to have it and are so thankful that it is in the shade most of the day, thanks to a...



Greg and I have been doing a lot of talking about how great it would be to live in a community that was less car-focused. A community that was sustainable and where the important...


And Then There Were Two

So now I have TWO itsy bitsy spiders, both hanging from my monitor. Maybe I need to rethink my ‘live and let live’ policy. And move my computer desk to another part of the...


Lots of Tireds

I picked Adrianna up from childcare right after she awoke from her afternoon nap. Janette and I were praising her for the great nap she had just taken (she doesn’t always take a nap...


Move It

One of the previews before Wall-E was for Madagascar 2. It must have stuck with Adrianna, because tonight I overheard her singing in the bathroom, “I like to move it, move it. I like...


First Movie Theatre Movie

On Wednesday night, we took Adrianna to her first movie at a movie theatre. After hearing lots of positive things from friends about the movie and checking online reviews to make sure it wouldn’t...


Good Crackers and Bad Crackers

This is a conversation I overheard as Adrianna and I walked up the stairs. All voices were done by Adrianna. Adrianna: Let’s bring the cracker upstairs and eat it. Cracker, in a high, squeeky...


Grass Fans

Last weekend when we were driving up to Wyoming to visit my family, Adrianna saw a windmill out on the open prairie. She asked us, “Is that a fan in the grass?”


Spider Wipes

As I sit here, I am watching a little baby spider explore my monitor. He alternates between hanging on a web to just walking around. I don’t have the heart to do anything about...


Another Unwanted Phone Book

Will the unwanted phone book deliveries ever end? After THREE calls (today makes four) to QwestDex over the past year and a half, I am beginning to wonder. Each time they reassure me that...


‘Grate’ Expectations

Over the past couple of weeks, Chloe has developed an obsession with the furnace vents on our main floor. She will stand attentively at a vent, particularly the ones in the kitchen and living...