New MOPS Group

I joined a new MOPS group this year; one that meets in the evenings instead of during the day. Now that I am working full-time, it was just too difficult to make the daytime meetings. I do miss my old group of girls, but then I remember that I would have been reassigned to a new small group anyways.

My new group is a brand-new group and very small compared to the last one I attended. About 15 girls compared to 50+. But I like the smallness and informalness of it and I also appreciate the fact that many of the moms in this group also work either full or part-time like I do.

At our first meeting a couple weeks ago, one of the girls in my group mentioned the fact that she went to John Brown University. Turns out she went to school with my sister-in-law, Kristi and they both knew each other and were in the same class. Just a neato fact that I enjoyed learning.

The MOPS group also meets at a different church than the last one. I have been thinking about trying out a new church for awhile anyways (long story that I may tell someday on here), so I think I am going to try this church out on a Sunday morning soon. They just got a new pastor last week and the girls I talked to who attend really like the church. So we’ll see.

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1 Response

  1. jamie says:

    I went to my momtomom group last Wednesday and you know one of the things that is hard for me is accepting people who feel differently about childrearing than I do. That is so bad of me. I really need to pray about it. But one of the reasons why I didnt really like my group was that I just dont agree with the way that some of the people chose to raise their kids and it irks me. 1 thing that I think is that right after the baby is born the baby shouldnt go to the nursery. I think the baby has spent the last 9 months with you, hearing your heartbeat and feeling your warmth every minute and now you’re going to put him/her in a plastic bin all night so you can sleep? Just seems selfish. And I had a Csection and was sick as a dog and I still kept my baby with me. Plus bf. I think people should try to bf, if they can’t ok, but at least give it the old brownie try. Anyway, I Iwas put into a small group of pregnant women and we talked a bit about bring pregnant but the thing is I really dont have much to say about being pregnant either. It’s just a state Im in, not who I am. I identify much more with being Ethan’s mom than being pregnant. Anyway, enough about me. Hope your MOPS group works out really well for you.

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