Boulder, New Furniture, and a Slide
Sometimes I feel like my posts are so random that I just cannot come up with a descriptive title…
On Saturday, my friend Kristy drove up to Denver and we had a much needed girls’ night. We went and saw Catch and Release. It is totally a chick flick, so I am sure Greg is glad he didn’t have to go see it with me. Kristy thought I was weird that I was rooting for the not-as-hot-but-still-very-good-looking friend to get the girl rather than the totally hot guy that the movie sets you up to hate (because at first he looks like a jerk) and then you are supposed to end up loving and want him to win by the end. Oh well. I should have known better. This is standard chick flick fare after all. I still liked it though; I always like Jennifer Garner movies.
The movie was set in Boulder, so after it was done we felt a strong desire to drive to Boulder to the Pearl Street Mall. So we did, and ate a delicious meal at The Cheesecake Factory.
After church on Sunday, Greg, Adrianna, and I went to Amish Showcase to look at bedroom furniture. We have been married 7 years and are still living with an old dresser that Greg found (for free I think) in his college days and it is just falling apart now. We also have
never gotten around to actually buying a bed for our mattress, so it has been resting on the floor. I have been wanting bedroom furniture for a long time. We found a set that we both agreed on and are having it done with a pretty maple wood. It is beautiful. We have to wait 8-12 weeks before it will be delivered to us since they have to actually make it yet. Adrianna loved their glider/rocker chairs and must have tried every single chair out at least twice during the time we were there.
On Tuesday, Adrianna and I had a playdate with the other moms and kids from my MOPS group. We all met at a rec center that has this AMAZING play area for kids. I loved it. Everything was soft and all the play equipment was enclosed so kids couldn’t fall off. The room itself was also walled off so kids couldn’t easily wander off. Such a great thing for a worrier like me. Adrianna really liked the slide. At first she was too scared to venture too far in the play area by herself, but when I climbed in and helped her across the rope bridges, she started getting braver.
Tuesday night was a scrapbooking night at my church. I wish I had a larger scanner so I could scan in the traditional pages that I have made these past couple of weeks. I am on 2003! Everything before 2003 is done and 2004 is done (digitally). Maybe someday I will get caught up. Haha. I try and tell myself that, but then I remember the fact that in 2005 I probably took more pictures than the previous 10 years all combined. I guess that happens when your first child is born.
Very nice furniture! That will be so nice for you guys!
That looks like a fun place for Adrianna to play! Your blog looks really cute! It looks like a mario cart game. I notice you have the pictures on the right now (like me) 🙂
Hey Amber! Thanks for your comment 🙂
Love the Mario Brothers theme!
Thanks for the scrapbook sites – I’d seen the first two, but need to check out I also like twopeasina (monthly freebies) and (lots of freebies!).
where did your stat counter go? I liked to look at it and marvel over the many thousands that have come to your site 🙂
I saw Jennifer Garner filming that movie in Vancouver. I know it was that movie because she was standing in front of a store sign the movie crew had put up that said “Boulder County Realty” or something like that.
Love the new furniture. We are still living with old free stuff as well. But we’ve only been married 5 years (this july) so we’ve got some time before we might can actually get something. 🙂 Looks like fun at the playgroup.