Sales Rep Stress
Today I had to call a Sales Rep at our company because he had submitted a ticket indicating he was having problems submitting a form. However, much to my chagrin, no information was given in the ticket (as usual). “Having problems” could mean 1273 different things; 1269 of those being simply attributed to a training issue on their part or not reading the darn manual. Critical thinking people-give details, take screen shots, give me the error message-ARGH. Well, that is a whole other issue…
Anyways, so I call this guy and right away am able to determine that the error he was receiving was due to a connectivity issue at his local division. So it is not a form issue, nor is it an issue with the application being down. However, trying to convince him of this was virtually impossible as he continued to vent his frustration out on me, even though I informed him that I am simply the developer of the forms; I have nothing to do with server connectivities-especially out in Georgia. *sigh* Maybe next time I can tell him I will press my magic button on my cubicle wall that will make everything all better, since I have all power over our application and all server issues all over the country. Man, what I wouldn’t give for one of those buttons…
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