Time 4 Learning Review
We recently had the opportunity to use the online program, Time4Learning. Our family embraces technology and online learning, so I was excited to see how it might fit into our homeschool day.
Time4Learning’s online curriculum includes science, social studies and language arts. I found the language arts for 2nd grade to be too easy for my daughter, so I changed her default grade level to be moved to 3rd grade. As a side note: all students have access to their default grade, as well as the grades directly below and above at all times.
My 7yo daughter really enjoyed her classes. The videos, games and characters made learning fun for her. She would often ask if she could “do school” with the program. How could I say no?
As a parent, I really appreciate that I have my own “dashboard” where I can not only control the types of lessons my daughter will use but also can see which lessons and quizzes she has completed and her scores. I also appreciate that she can use this program independently. With a new baby in the house and a busy 3yo, this is a big plus for our family.
My daughter was sad this morning when I told her our 30 day trial was over. We discussed it and decided to purchase a subscription. I plan on continuing to use it both as an incentive (since it makes learning FUN) and as a supplement / enhancement to our regular schooling.
As a member of Time4Learning, I have been given the opportunity to review their program and share my experiences. While I was compensated, this review was not written or edited by Time4Learning and my opinion is entirely my own. For more information, check out their standards-based curriculum or learn how to write your own curriculum review.
I was just looking into Time4Learning the other day. Next year Tris will be 6 and I was looking at options for a more comprehensive set of skills (we use Starfall.more that has math and language arts, and IXL that has math already). I wanted something I could have him do at times while I worked with his younger brother on preschool stuff. How comprehensive did you feel the science and social studies were?
We liked Time 4 Learning as a supplement for our schooling. The videos and online learning make what we are studying in our regular schooling “fun” and help the concepts stick since they are hearing them again in a different format. I also have used it on a couple days where one of us wasn’t feeling well so we still got some schooling done, even if it wasn’t a full school day.
I’ve found my daughter (age 8) especially enjoys hands-on experiments so the science wouldn’t be enough for us. But for a 6yo, the social studies and science would probably be okay, especially if you are using it to buy you some time with your preschooler. And since, at that age, much of what they learn is an introduction to concepts they will learn more in depth later on.
I will have to find that balance with a preschooler next year. Right now, we let her in on our science and history and read-alouds. Sometimes she sits with us; other times she plays nearby.