First Prayers
I have been wanting to start praying with Adrianna before she goes to bed for a long time now. I wasn’t sure when would be a good time to start. Tonight I decided to give it a shot since I figure that she is old enough to follow simple directions now and even though she wouldn’t totally get what we were doing or why (yet), I thought that she would enjoy it nonetheless since she really likes being a big girl and imitating what I do.
So after we brushed her teeth with “pee-pace” we went into her room together and I told her that we were going to pray before going night-night. I got down on my knees by her crib and asked her to do the same. I was wondering if she really would do it. She did. Then I told her that we were going to close our eyes and pray to Jesus. I am not sure if she closed her eyes; she was more interested in watching me close mine. So I said a quick prayer thanking God for the nice day, for our dogs, and for Mommy, Daddy, and Adrianna. Then I said, “Amen.” She loudly echoed, “Amen!” a couple times.
The prayer was quick; probably the perfect timing for the short attention span of an almost-two year old because then the dogs came in and she became distracted and began crawling after them, trying to give Molly a hug. I scooped Adrianna up, gave her kisses, and put her into bed. Once she got her sippy cup, she laid down, cuddled her daddy bear and hasn’t made a peep since.
I look forward to more night-time prayers with my sweet little girl.
Amber i think that is such a precious time!
That’s so sweet! I’ve wanted to incorporate that, as well, but haven’t found the right routine for us. Thanks for the renewed inspiration!
How cool is that! By the time she understands what is happening, it will be a sweet habit and even more precious.
Thats great your saying prayers with her. Its good to start now and like grampy says, it will become a sweet habit.