A Brand New Year
I was reading one of my favorite blogs when I read a post about making Bible reading a priority / resolution for 2007. (Thanks Jamie!) This is something I want to do. I have tried many times to make Bible reading part of my daily routine. Sometimes I do good for several months. Other times I only succeed for a few days. I have tried so many times though that I am learning what doesn’t work for me. For instance, since I am NOT a morning person, I have learned that reading before bed works much better than first thing in the morning.
One thing I am trying now is to read the Bible online. Since I love being online anyways and most of my free time is spent on my computer (after Adrianna is in bed for the evening), this seems like a natural choice. We will see how it works out.
One of the online Bible sites I visited today had this verse for their verse of the day. I think it is very appropriate for the first day of the new year, especially for those of us who maybe need encouragement as we work on new resolutions. This verse is from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Hey, glad to see that Im one of your favorite blogs. I didnt think anybody even reads it. Now that I know you like it, I’ll try to make it more entertaining 🙂 I need to post more pictures. I prefer blogs with pictures. I love reading about Adrianna talking. I cant wait til E talks more. The few things he says now just melt my heart. Id probably let him say ‘git’ all day just to hear his little voice. Im a sucker, I know. Happy New Year!