RSV & Canceling Christmas

Adrianna has had what appeared to be a cold for a couple of weeks. Over the past couple of days it started to develop into a deeper cough, congestion, and wheezing. She has also been not eating well and extra cuddly in the evenings, wanting us to hold her for long periods of time. Of course we are happy to oblige, but we knew something was up. The coughing is also keeping her up at nights so that her little eyes are tired and red-rimmed.

I took her to the doctor today. The doctor was concerned by the wheezing especially and ordered x-rays to test for pneumonia and a test for RSV as well. No pneumonia, thankfully, but she did test positive for RSV, which is short for Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

RSV is one of those viral infections that doctors nowadays warn new mothers about, striking fear and trembling in every first-time mothers’ heart. It IS a very dangerous infection for infants, especially those born pre-mature. It is also very contagious. Knowing this, we had to cancel our plans with my family for Christmas, since there is no way I would feel right in exposing my new niece and nephew who are at high risk for RSV. I am very disappointed about canceling Christmas. 🙁

Since Adrianna is just shy of 20 months, it is still a serious infection that can have lasting impacts. (Adults can get RSV but it is usually much milder and mistaken for a bad cold or is considered bronchialitis, which is lower down that bronchitis.) It is also the # cause for pneumonia in young children, so x-rays were ordered for Adrianna. Thankfully, her lungs are fine. Her oxygen level is also normal, so we are thankful for that as well. The doctor was actually really positive in regards to how well Adrianna is doing. She does display most of the common RSV symptoms though.

  • Runny nose ?
  • Wheezing ?
  • Fever ?
  • Deep, barking cough ?
  • Tired, ill appearance ?

For treatment, we have to use a nebulizer, which is a air compresser and mask that is used to distribute her medicine (in a mist form) which helps to open her airways. Holding a mask up against a toddler’s face for 5 straight minutes is not an easy task. And we have to do this several times a day. It does help her wheeziness and coughing.

Since this is so contagious and takes at least 7-14 days to pass, taking her to childcare is out. So it looks like Greg and I will be tag-teaming work and watching Adrianna. I sure don’t mind all the cuddles we are getting with her. Or even the snot-covered kisses that she so freely offers.

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3 Responses

  1. Julie says:

    Oh, poor Adrianna! My professor was out for 2 weeks b/c her 2 year old was in the hospital with RSV. Scary stuff. I hope she recovers fast and doesn’t share with your or any of her friends.

  2. Jeff says:

    At least now you get to say things like, “initialize the nebulizer.”

  3. Amber says:

    You are right Julie, it is scary stuff. It really hit me last night as 1:00 a.m. approached and she was still having problems sleeping due to the breathing and coughing issues. So we gave her more treatment and that helped. I ended up sleeping in her room with her, which meant very little sleep for me as I would listen for her every breath. And when she finally did start breathing easier, I would feel the need to get up and make sure she was still breathing.

    Jeff – your comment made me LOL. I think Greg will get a kick out of that, since he gets to run the machine while we both hold her down.

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