Monthly Archive: May 2005


Things I’ve learned

Adrianna is 2 weeks old today. I have found that I am learning many things as a new mom. This list continues to grow by the hour. Babies do not breathe with a “normal”...


Diaper Debacle

Another day; another diaper mishap. I was in the process of changing yet another diaper for Adrianna this afternoon. It started out like any other diaper change. Then all of a sudden I noticed...


My 1st trip (alone) with baby

Today I had to take Adrianna to the doctor’s office for another weigh-in. By myself. (Last time Greg went with me.) I was pretty nervous about doing it alone without Greg’s help and support....


Rough morning

Yesterday was our first day on our own with Adrianna. We were a little nervous about how things would go since all our extra help was gone, but I am pleased to say that...