Two-Page Digital Scrapbook Template for 8.5×11 Scrappers (Template #76)
I converted one of my recent free 12×12 scrapbook templates into a template for all of you 8.5×11 scrappers out there. It can be found in my Personal Digital Scrapbook Store and my Etsy Store. This two-page multi-photo template can accommodate up to 11 photos!

In case you haven’t seen it already, here is the original 12×12 layout that I used to create the template. The kit I used is Megan Turnidge‘s “Little Man”.

Also, if you are in the market for more 8.5×11 templates (especially multi-photo templates), I just added another one to my stores as well. This one can accommodate up to 11 photos as well.

Sample Layout (in the 12×12 version):
Credits: Papers by Traci Reed, Tag by Paislee Press, Pumpkins by Ellie Lash
This template also works well for single page layouts too!
I hope to start adding more product soon (which may include bringing some of my old favorites out of retirement!)
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