Free Digital Scrapbook Template #74
Now that our new littlest addition is finally taking naps during the day and our homeschool is winding down for the summer, I’ve had a little time to do some scrapbooking. Yay! This has resulted in the creation of a new template as well. Finally. 🙂

Download 12×12 PSD Scrapbook Template
This template was created from this layout:

Hope your summer is going well.
Thanks Amber!
Thank you for the great Templates and QP’s 🙂
Thank you!
Congratulations on finishing homeschool and letting the new bundle take center stage. I love your work, so I’m excited to see this new layout.
Thank you so much for your amazing templates!
Thank you so much.
Thank you! I LOVE your templates. I use them all the time.
So glad I stopped in – another wonderful template! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for sharing you talent.!!!!
Thank you very much for the template, -Marie