Oh, Nice!
Here are a few snippets of the conversation Adrianna and I had this afternoon on our way to go grocery shopping.
Me: Do you want to go grocery shopping?
Adrianna: Yea! (smiling and clapping hands)
Adrianna: Bus! Seedit?
Me: Yeah, I see the bus.
Adrianna: uh-muh-mon bus!
Me: Oh yes, another bus!
Adrianna: Uh-huh!
Adrianna: Mommy, what’s dat?
Me: That’s a car dealership. See all the flags?
Adrianna: Oh, nice!
Adrianna: Mommy, cots! Seedit?
Me: Yep, those are the grocery carts. We are going to go grocery shopping.
Adrianna: um-hmm. Go-see sah-een.
Adrianna: Mommy, what’s dat?
Me: That was a car horn.
Adrianna: Oh, nice!
LOL how cute!
That is so cute! What a cute little neice I have! I hope I can see her soon sometime!