Children’s Music
Adrianna definitely responds to music. For the most part, it calms her down and she is happy to listen to whatever we are listening to. She doesn’t share Greg’s and my appreciation for the band Cake however.
Her Grammy bought her a Kindermusik CD that she really likes. We really like it too. I also bought her some Cedarmont Kids CD’s recently, as I want her to grow up with Sunday School/Christian songs. I also have some tapes of children’s gospel music that I used to listen to when I was younger. I was really excited that my parents still had those tapes, as I remember really enjoying them growing up. So Adrianna and I have been listening to those the past couple days. It is funny how I still remember some of the words.
Anyways, listening to music together has been a fun activity to do with Adrianna. She and I both enjoy when I pump her little arms or legs to the music while I also sing to her. Adrianna is finding her voice too, with little coos and accompanied by huge, toothless grins.
They Might Be Giants put out a children’s cd a couple of years ago that I’ve heard is very good.