Last night of Speech!

Last night was my last night of my Oral Communications class and I am SO relieved to be done! I had to do a persuasion speech, so I chose to speak on why Scrapbooking is better at preserving memories (and safer for photo storage) than Photo Albums. I brought in an example of an old, yellowed photo album where a baby picture of mine has lost a lot of its color. I also brought in 2 scrapbook pages and two photo album pages that had the exact same pictures, so the audience could see which one was more fun and interesting to look at.

My speech went really well, I thought. I have decided that I feel more comfortable doing speeches when I have props or visuals, as it helps me keep focused which keeps the stress level down a little. I am still so glad to have this class done and overwith though, even though I really enjoyed the time spent with my classmates who were really cool.

One of my classmates did a speech on dog rescue, and brought in her greyhound that she fostered and adopted. Her greyhound was a beautiful brindle, and so well behaved. It really made me want one – I think greyhounds are such beautiful and graceful dogs. I guess I have a thing for skinny, scrawny dogs.

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2 Responses

  1. janis says:

    glad for you that your class is over. sounds like you did a good job in the class in spite of the fear of it. it will be be beneficial to you that you did take it. i could have taken public speaking in high school but i chickened out, wish i would have taken it back then and got it over with!

  2. Karen says:

    Hey Amber, I haven’t figured out how to link yet…I will figure it out 🙂 I think I just go and write it into the html, but I will see.

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