Monthly Archive: March 2005


I love Benadryl

Thankfully the Benadryl does help, even though it makes me really sleepy and spacey. I could tell when the Benadryl wore off last night while sleeping, because I would wake up scratching like the...


Hives :(

Well, it appears that I have hives from something or other. I am pretty sure it is pregnancy related after talking with a couple other girls who mentioned something about pregnancy jacking up cortisone...


Baby Shower

Juli and Heather threw me a baby shower yesterday. I had been looking forward to it for weeks, and it was definitely worth the wait. Everyone who came was so generous to Greg and...


Diaper Shower

The worship team at our church threw us a diaper shower on Tuesday evening. They were all so generous in providing us with diapers (multiple sizes) and wipies and other little necessities that we...